Notify Payment

Notify payment adalah pengiriman message notifikasi ke url merchant atas transaksi pembayaran yang dilakukan customer di channel ATMBersama. Merchant diharapkan meregister url notify payment untuk dapat menerima hasil transaksi transfer ATMBersama yang dilakukan oleh customer. Message notify yang dikirim menggunakan format XML dengan method POST.

Request Message Format

No Name Type Status Length Description
1. type String M 10 Filled in accordance with the type of ongoing transactions:
2. bookingid int M 25 Booking ID (Received From Merchant, Unique)
3. clientid String M 50 Client ID that use by Merchant for identified each customer (Receive From Merchant, Unique)
customer_name String M 25 Customer name in which bookingid is attached to (Alphabet)
4. issuer_bank String M 50 Name of issuer bank
5. issuer_name String M 30 Name of issuer bank account name of ATM Bersama
6. amount Int M 12 Amount that customer should pay (should numeric, excluding decimal point)
For example:
IDR 1.892.221 will be denoted as 1892221
7. productid String M 20 Product id from Merchant (must unique on Merchant’s side)
8. trxid String M 34 Combination of ATM Bersama transaction ID for transaction tracing.
9. trx_date String M 19 Date and time of the ATM Bersama transaction.
Format: YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
10. username String M 20 Given Merchant user name provided by Artajasa
11. notification_datetime String M 19 Transmission local date and time of the transaction. (GMT+7)
Format: YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
12. signature String M 32 Signature will use MD5 with the component below :

Response Message Format

No Name Type Status Length Description
1 type String M 10 Filled in accordance with the type of ongoing transactions:
Value: resnotification
2 ack String M 2 Response code of notification “00” for success, “78” for re try notification if already arrived before.
3 bookingid int M 25 Booking ID (Received From Merchant, Unique)
4 signature String M 32 Signature will use MD5 with the component below:

Berikut di bawah ini adalah contoh message XML Notify Payment :

Request XML :

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<issuer_bank>Bank Rakyat Indonesia</issuer_bank>
    <issuer_name>NAMA BIN NAMA</issuer_name>
    <trx_date>2011-11-08 22:20:33</trx_date>
    <notification_datetime>2011-11-08 22:30:43</notification_datetime>

Response XML :

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Jika terjadi kegagalan dalam pengiriman notifikasi ini sistem akan mencoba melakukan retry sebanyak 3 kali.